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Monday, January 30, 2012


Am I the only one who can see this happening? 
So this is for your 18th birthday....

But today - the day I am writing and posting this blog entry - is the start of our 18th month together.

A couple of weeks ago, we were at Phillip Island, staying together for a little longer than we could stay awake for at night, heading down to the beach whether we wanted to or not, talking about some of the craziest, randomest shit in the world and being happy.

And then we picked blackberries in your backyard and ate them :)

Ooh, and you took me to my nonna's house and she gave you wog kisses and you kinda crapped yourself in shock and nearly forgot to give ME a goodbye kiss. So rude...

But that was like two weeks ago. And even though it's only been today for like half an hour, I can tell that today is going to be awesome. I love you Aaron Timms.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Team Work!

Remeber that time we were beyond the valley of boredom.. so we started playing paddocks (which i would have won! *cough*)
Then our crazy teacher saw us and yelled and screamed after throwing my maths books across the room?

And the time we paired up in ethics for the pokie machines & our religion.. and how you said one thing and i said another.. but we still an A?

And the time we paired up for the slavery movie... and the same picture & music throughout the whole movie.. and paddocks

And our little heart to hearts in english in year 10, oh the fun we had..

From all this i think its safe to say, im a terrible influence... :)

Happy Birthday Champ

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Aaron Timms you legend!!!!

Well.... what can i say about our Timmzay? I can know for sure i can say he is so legendary that when his biographer is writing out his life story, he won't be able to contain all the awesomeness that Aaron has inside of him; it's like the alien from Aliens that lives inside that persons then explodes out of their chest but in Aaron's case it's not an alien it's just pure awesomeness. I have also reason to believe that i have found out why Aaron doesn't let anyone touch his hair; it's because when they touch it, its like when someone tries to read the elder scroll in Skyrim, they just spazz out and can't control it. He is protecting us all.
Aaron also has the most amazing taste in music ever, he introduced me to SOAD and I have loved every bit of it. If Aaron has to be anyone it would be Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid, because he can blend in with almost everyone, he can hid in boxes, and is overall awesome at life. My friend said he has pretty, curly hair and I think everyone would agree.
We all love you Timmzay, and have a Happy Birthday :D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Don't hate me.


Never have you been bad. You don't know how many people are annoying in this world. I still remember the day you said you were gonna get me a cookie for my birthday, and you did. It was the best chocolate cookie ever mate! I think that I should repay you and give a present of some sort, maybe a hot spoon session? Just kidding mate, as if I did, everyone would be jealous that I spooned you. Everyone thinks that you are super sexy, and you are, like seriously, in every way. You probably get all the guys (and Jordy) up. Honestly, you are the best.

Never have I ever seen you in a bad mood, except that one time Jack dropped your laptop. That was funny because you were never gonna get your revenge on him you short ass! But ninja slaps!! Woah! You seriously go ape when you lose, and we just do it so we let you go ape and crack the shits. It's quite funny, but I'm sure you will get better at it one day, as the majority of us have faith in you. But just think of all the things you're good at, like Cisco, awesomeness, duckfaces, gay chicken and of course, System of a Down songs. You love them don't ya?

Never have you ever been short of the best. There hasn't been a moment where I've been like "screw you." When you say that you're gonna do something and make me smile, you do it. You must have some super natural talent, although you complain when you go run. You're probably confused, and I'm sorry, I'm just writing these down as I go, although I'm sure one day in the future I'll come around to it and make sense of this all. But until then, I'm sure you can deal with the complexity of my really ugly hairy gorilla mind, and probably solve a puzzle while you're at it or something. What's your favourite food? Is it an almond? ARREMOND!! Mine's just desert except with two s' instead of just the one. Damn I'm a weird kid right now, actually it's more like all the time, but I think that you are the the weirdest out of us two (it's the curls)

Never really did understand what was up with your curls and why you're sensitive? Do they contain the secrets to the world? Ever gonna let me touch them, like ever? I think you totally should, I mean, I'm just a little gorilla. Pretty pretty please?? I promise that I'll make you something cool like a cake or a giant cookie. Sound good? Hell yeah it does! This is one of two bad reasons that I think you should let me touch your curls freely. It'll be super sexy and we'll both be super smart and what not. If you don't let me, then I'll cry though, and you don't want that. Worked it out yet?

Never have I really tried doing what I'm doing now (writing a massive thing to a person) but even so, I'm still pretty darn certain that it's gonna be a success, and you'll hate me at the end. But, how are you? Pretty good? You're eighteen now!!! WOOT! You have a small say in the government and all that other crap! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! Lol jokes, we have none, we're just people. Anyway, goodbye mate, LOL JOKES, I have plenty more to say!

Never will I think that you're a short arse, because I KNOW that you are. Suck it, we were born to be short, it's just nature. You're gonna rage right? You totally should be a short man syndrome dude like Berryman, I'd lol at that, it would be mint, but you're cool. Tell ya what: you're sexy. Yes, that's it, you're sexy. Problem? Not for me, me gusta that. If I had a dollar for every sexy part of you, a billion bucks is what I would have, cause you're just super sexy. I'm actually as sexy as you, seriously, under my hair. No, that's a lie, sorry about that, I shouldn't lie to you, it's mean. Hehe, you've worked it out now, you must have! If you haven't then you're high and a silly billy. Oh, we're cool in denial! First song from the system you showed me, and towards you, I seriously don't wanna ever hurt you whatsoever, it's all just pure plain love mate, you curly sexy beast. What did you get for presents? Pretty bloody cool mate. You are one lucky dude.

If I have time, I'll finish this, if not, then you're gonna still hate me, just like I said not to in the title ;) Oh, and you remember that day I rick rolled the principal? If you STILL haven't gotten it, the key words are "rick rolled."


P.S. iDeaLiZaTioN.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Dreamed A Dream... of you

So I had a dream last night, and it's totally something you'd like and do.

Basically, we were living together and I was married to you or some shiz (sorry Bonnee), and I walked into the bedroom, and you were lying there. So I sat on the bed and you weren't moving, so I tried to wake you up, and you wouldn't move, so I came to the conclusion that you were dead.

So me coming to the justification that you would want to be DONE one last time, I'm about to, and then you turn around an go "HA! JUST KIDDING!!"

I woke up very upset. I really wanted to do you while you were dead :(

Love ya mate!!! :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Awwwh yeah!

So, do you remember that day when we hung out in town and had hot chocolate and Gloria Jeans and then decided to walk back up to my house, assuming we would be alone because I knew everyone else who lived there were off doing their own thing, but when we got there my nonna and nonno were there so we legged it before they saw us and we went and chilled elsewhere for several hours while keeping tabs on the house until it was safe for us to approach?

Well, I remember. :)

I also remember when we were sitting under the pergola thing in the park and you retold me from your point of view the story of how we got together. I lost count of how many times you said "Awwwh yeah!"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 18th Birthday

Happy 18th Birthday Aaron!
I hope your day is super fantastic and you enjoy this fantastic brithday gift Bonnee came up with. :)
You are a great guy and my most epic friend. I have immensly enjoyed getting to know you over the years. You have taught me so much like what Blarg means and that the cake is actually a lie. You have made me laugh until I've cried like when I dropped you off at your house and you gave all the girls hug and then you turned to Benn and said "I'd hug you Benn but that would be awkward... I love you Benn!" :D You have made my day numerous times. You have made so many memories of mine good ones.
I wish you all the best with this new age and becoming an adult. Don't party to hard and when you get your P's watch out for little old ladies.

P.S. This is the oldest photo I have of you and it is also my favourite one. It was taken during Canberra Camp in year 8.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

Gay Marraige. Transvestites. God.
All these things are ones of myth. I will attempt to explain through the following:
Gay Marriage: IS ILLEGAL!
Transvestites: NUTCASES!

Gay Marriage:
Is illiegal, so no matter how much your heart wants your neighbours newly wedded husband, YOU CANT HAVE HIM! ITS ILLEGAL!

Total looneys who need to seek medical help immediatly for serious attention.

Face it, God and the Bible are just the result of 12 drunk guys who thought it would be funny if the wrote a story about that weird guy who likes to touch his own feet, Jesus if i remmeber correctly.

These are all the reasons why the heart cannot get what it wants.
In summary, you cant have anything because its illegal, your a nutcase and those 12 drunk guys smell.

(no offense was ment)

Happy Birthday STEVIE!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

iAaron-Generation M

My dearest, darlingest Aaron,

Hi. How are you? we haven't spoken in a while. Well in me times it's been a while. I can't really remember.

Anyway, I remember being anxious to meet you. Anxious because we were supposed to look the same, and to the day I still refuse to believe we do (no matter how much my own mother thinks it). After getting to know you via Jen's media thing I realised that she typed cast us. I really am the better version. I'm better looking, I have longer hair and lets face it-I'm hilarious! But I suppose you're ok too.

But being better isn't really the point of this. Actually I think it's supposed to be your birthday or something? Happy Birthday.

You're pretty cool
-Aaron the second

A Gorilla's Love


I still remember the time you use to be cool.... now you're just awesome. Always got the fight to stand up to the fact that a daddy long legs aren't venomous, the belief that gays have the right to marry (LOL!) and all that other crap.

You're always there annoying almost everyone in the group who have no appreciation of heavy metal music by getting us believers singing to the group that they should pull the tapeworm out of their asses.

You always give the best jokes, and the best advise, and although you have a major reputation for always being the winner in gay chicken, and having many gay days, I still love ya man, with every strand of hair in my hair.

YOUR sexy gorilla ;) xxx


Dear Aaron,

You are the best boyfriend in the world and a great friend, so I made you a blog so that your friends and I could tell the internet how much we love you, how awesome you are, share our favourite memories of you and our favourite things about you and maybe embarrass you and ourselves a little bit. 

When you read this, it should be your 18th birthday and hopefully a lot of other people will have made a lot of other posts and I won't feel like a try-hard loser. 

With lots of love, 
- Bonnee xoxo