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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Emma Says Duckface

Posting on behalf of Emma.

Let's just say that there is no denying the sheer beauty and awesomeness of your duckface.

It is grand, is it not?

I think it's pretty sexy.

Sexy enough for Emma to want me to post it on her behalf.

<<<<<<< LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!

<<<<< LOOK AT IT!!!!

<<<<<<< LOOK AT IT!!!!! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Aaron The Timms!!

Hey future Aaron Timms! 

Its your birthday and you're turning 18! 

Now you can do ALL the things!

It was MY birthday only a month ago. Remember?

I do. I remember you not bringing your I.D and not being allowed to buy a ticket. But since you have awesome friends, we refunded out tickets and went to the park instead. (By the way, I do forgive for screwing up my birthday party)

But forget that because today isn't about me, its about YOU!

So today...(I mean the day I'm typing this, not the day you are reading this......wait....does this mean I'm a time traveler? Awweeessome!) I was using the power of elastic bands (your only weakness) on you for teh lolz.....but this time you retaliated back with vengeance! Using your very weakness, you fought back with great force! Our fight was masterful and gracious, except for when you fell over a table. ;)

Anyways, have a wonderful birthday, eat lots of beer, drink lots of cake and have a FABULOUS time!

Love, Jack.