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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beamish's Party

So remember how that Beamish kid had a party?
Well it's the day after, and I just wanted to remind you of some things that you did.

1. You wearing a rainbow.
2. You wearing Emma's pj's
3. You cracking it at me when I pretended to be dating Bonnee (you sprayed me with water, then forgot the event almost instantly)
4. You claiming to not be drunk.
5. You realizing that you are drunk, and trying to explain it to me.
6. You slow dancing with Bonnee.
7. You dancing with me and making me fall down.
8. You almost mistaking me for Bonnee and tried to kiss me.
9. You believing that I did Chemistry (ya idiot)
10. Being awesome.

I fucking love you man. I hope we never get old ♥

1 comment:

  1. Things that Schembri forgot to mention:

    1. You SHIT YOURSELF when Schembri jumped out at you wearing his robber costume.

    2. You announced some things about yourself and myself which I will refrain from repeating here, but Mitchell Ian Whelan continued to remind me of those things in front of even more people.

    3. You ate more than just jelly-shots; you ate a jelly bowl!

    4. You told me to go away because you were talking to Emma and forgot that you had done so and started wondering where I'd gone.

    5. Your rainbow cape smelled of beer, which was something you HADN'T drank that night.

    6. We were all certain that at some point you were going to end up standing too close to the heater with the rainbow cape on and set yourself on fire.
